
Ethos' two latest quarterly reports include the Ethos Quarterly and the Ethos Investment Focus as of 30 June 2006.

The Ethos Quarterly presents an overview of current issues regarding socially responsible investment and active shareholding. The latest issue includes the following articles:

• Editorial: Successful Dialogue with Companies
• Board of Directors: Welcome Ladies!
• European Legislations Favour Environmental and Social Transparency
• Ethos Engagement Pool (EEP): Results of Two Years of Fruitful Dialogue
• Executive Remuneration: Ethos' interventions
• Review of Swiss and Foreign General Meetings
• US: Increasing Success for Shareholder Resolutions
• Revision of Swiss Company Law: Ethos' Proposals

The Ethos Investment Focus (only available in French or German) is the management report of the various segments of the Ethos Institutional Investment Fund as well as of the investment fund "Pictet-Ethos (CH) Swiss Sustainable Equities". It is noteworthy that despite the stock market turbulence of the past months, all equities segments realised a positive absolute performance year-to-date (with the exception of North American equities), with most of the segments outperforming their benchmark.

Corporate Governance
Responsible investment