
Ethos' two latest quarterly reports include the Ethos Quarterly and the Ethos Investment Focus as of 31 December 2006.

The Ethos Quarterly presents an overview of current issues with regard to responsible investment and active shareholding. In particular, the current issue includes the following articles:


  • Editorial: Defend and Exercise Shareholder Rights
  • Exorbitant Golden Parachutes Once Again
  • Executive-Remuneration: Ethos’ Expectations
  • Minutes of General Meetings on the Internet
  • Option Backdating Scandal
  • Global Reporting Initiative: The Third Generation
  • Environmental and Social Reporting: Progress in Switzerland
  • Ethos supports the Principles for Responsible Investment
  • Swiss part of the Carbon Disclosure Project
  • GM-Participation: Shareholder Democracy Jeopardised
  • NYSE prohibits Broker Non-Votes on Director Election
  • USA: SEC Delays Important Decision
  • Quarterly Review of General Meetings Analysed by Ethos

The Ethos Investment Focus (only available in French or German) is the management report of the various segments of the Ethos institutional investment fund and of the Pictet-Ethos (CH) Swiss Sustainable Equities investment fund. The Ethos equity funds show excellent performances for 2006, both in absolute terms and relative to their benchmarks. The integration of sustainable development criteria and an effective risk monitoring have resulted in average performances of the actively managed equity segments which are among the best in the market.


Corporate Governance
Responsible investment